
They tell me you are in a better place -
that your smile now is neverending.
I try to see it,
but there is just this endless empty space.

I wished for you all happiness,
every time I closed my eyes.
I prayed for you to feel inner peace -
serenity and everyone's bless.

But your pain stayed so strong,
kept you up at night.
Somehow it managed to tell you,
that you didn't belong.

But darling brother, listen to me.
Your kindness and love,
intelligense and thoughts -
should have told you this is the place to be.

You still linger in my mind,
how could I ever let you go?
Your presence is in every single tear -
How could you be so blind?

They tell me I shouldn't cry.
That I will see you again.
This is my promise to you -
I will forever and always try.

But you have to do the same,
hold on to your spirit.
And when it's the right time -
I will call out your name.

Copyright; Jenny Abrahamsson 2008

Fade away.

The memories of you,
safely kept in my heart.
I look at them every day,
and wish it wasn't true.

Trying to find comfort anywhere,
searching my soul for your presence.
All I find is empty hands,
and a grief too hard to bare.

It's aching, you see -
the emptiness you left behind.
A big black cloud of sorrow,
where you are supposed to be.

I look in the mirror to find myself -
but all I see is the absence of you
and the shadow of what used to be me.
The only thing left is your picture on my shelf.

Please come and get me to,
I just want to hear your voice again.
You're fading away
I can no longer reach you.

Copyright; Jenny Abrahamsson


I'll always be thankful
For the time we had
We were blessed
I should celebrate
But I feel too sad
All the wonderful memories
Just make me fall apart
And it feels like somebody's
Stabbed me in my heart

Idag skulle du ha blivit trettio ar. Du skulle ha vaknat imorgon bitti med frukost pa sangen och massa telefonsamtal och sms. Hela dagen skulle ha varit en fest. Vi skulle ha firat dagen du foddes, och alla stunder vi har haft med dig.

Istallet ar du nagon helt annanstans. Jag forsoker tro att det ar nagonstans varmt och ljust, men det gar inte. Jag ser dig bara framfor mig, nere i jorden dar det ar fuktigt och morkt och kallt. Ditt ansikte ar smutsigt och blodigt och vanstallt.

Det gor sa ont i mig. Det gor verkligen ont pa riktigt - jag trodde jag hade upplevt sorg innan, men den har smartan tar andan ur mig. Ibland kan jag borja forsta att du aldrig mer kommer tillbaka, men oftast inte. Varje natt jag gar ut och roker vantar jag mig att du ska viska fran buskarna, fraga om det ar okej att komma fram nu.

Jag alskar dig sa mycket. Grattis pa fodelsedagen, vart du an ar.

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